Hello Dear Friends. Hello Dear Family. I want to start this form of Energetic Connection with deep and heartfelt prayer and meditation.
Yesterday Ella created an event page for her second annual Oh Summer Days Concert Series.
The ticket prices are $14
Please share with your family and friends
We are super excited about creating more healthy food and eating with everyone once again for a second year.
This is our biggest event of hope.
We would love your help buying tickets and sharing.
We also need help buying a microphone and speaker. Last year our family voiced they couldn't hear Ella the greatest and we would love help for this purchase to amplify her voice, heart, and connection.
There are new meditations up on the shop page we would please love your help purchasing and sharing.
Also Vitrual Training Sessions available made extremely personal upon request and on the shop page as well.
With the warm season three-four months away I have been hearing business leaders in our surrounding community voicing people's want for a more healthier body, mind, and spirit. I would love to work with you in-person, personal training, or at our own community center or yours.
We need lots of help with in-person supporters and business partners to help the Rowley House Dream For All Come True. We are grateful for your kindness, patience, and eternal love.
For those of you who are doing so please continue to pray and meditate for a wife who loves Ella and I and also is in harmony and synergy with joy for YOU! :)
As always for every financial offering we create we always want to make sure we have free and donation based meditation available.
We will be at our community center at 11:15am-11:30am and would love for you to join us in breathing, relaxing, being still, and giving and recieving community and universal love. 317-515-2511
Sending everyone great energy, Ella and I are holding you all together with our thoughts, actions, and silent meditations with you and your family!